Kan du koreanska? - Facit

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I.  That's not right  07  Sum Ting Wong
II.  Are you harbouring a fugitive?  11  Hu Yu HaiDing
III.  See me ASAP  09  Kum Hia
IV.  Stupid Man  02  Dum Gai
V.  Small Horse   03  Tai Ni Po Ni
VI.  Did you go to the beach  18  Wai Yu So Tan
VII.  I bumped the coffee table  10  Ai Bang Mai Ni
VIII.  I think you need a face lift  19  Chin Tu Fat
IX.  It's Very dark in here  04  Wao So Dim
X.  I Thought you were on a diet  15  Wai Yu Mun Ching
XI.  This is a tow away zone  13  No Pah King
XII.  Our meeting is scheduled for next week   17  Wai Yu Kum Nao
XIII.  Staying out of sight  16  Lei Ying Lo
XIV.  He's cleaning his automobile  08  Wa Shing Ka
XV.  Your body odour is offensive  14  Yu Stin Ki Pu
XVI.  Great  01  Fa Kin Su Pah
XVII.  Give it to me baby  05  Suk Mai Dong
XVIII.  England will win the World Cup  12  No Fu Kin Wai
XIX.  Who's been eating all the pies?  06  Yo Fat Wan Ka
* Texten är hittad på Internet på en sida av "annaxx".